Monday, March 10, 2008

To Trust or Not to Trust

By the end of chapter 32 Crispin make a big decision. Crispin believes he has already asked God for so much and received so much from God in return that he needs to make this decision on his own. He puts his cross away and decides that he will put put his trust in Bear. Do you think this is a wise choice? What makes it wise? What makes it unwise? Discuss Crispin's decision.
photo from flickr by freebird4

Dust Storm Wages

Describe what you think it would be like to be in a dust storm similar to the one that takes place in Esperanza Rising. Then tell about a time when the weather caused you to feel like Esperanza and the other characters feel during this storm.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mariah Keeps Cool: Choosing the Perfect Gift

In the selection, Mariah Keeps Cool by Mildred Pitts Walter, Mariah knows that Lynn does not want a party for herself. She decides that a celebration where people donate to the shelter where Lynn volunteers would be a better gift. Would you like to receive, or give a gift like this? Why or why not?