Describe what you think it would be like to be in a dust storm similar to the one that takes place in Esperanza Rising. Then tell about a time when the weather caused you to feel like Esperanza and the other characters feel during this storm.
This blog will be used by students to discuss and reflect on class related topics.
I think it would be scary and frightening to be in the dusty dust storm.
Once two years ago at my house the sky was black, yellow, and green and it was a tornado watch. My mom said to go down to the basement. Then we sat down stairs with all my sisters for two hours. It was scary.
I think it would be scary to be in a dust storm because you wouldn't know how long it would last.
Once I was in a rain storm and our lake was flooding and we couldn't go outside, which is similar to Esperanza's situation.
I think that if I were in a dust storm I would probably start screaming because I wouldn't know what to do.
I was in this terrible rain storm with my dad and it was raining so hard that we couldn't see. We were driving and all we could baarely see was the white line on the side of the road. Just like Esperanza couldn't see the trees just a few yards away well we couldn't see the road it was pretty freaky if you ask me.
It would be scary to be in a dust storm. If you were outside you would not know where to go. If you were inside you could not see what was happening outside.
One time we were driving back from a basketball tournament and it was snowing so hard we could barely see the car ahead of us or the road.
That would be really scary I think I would have freaked out. I can't believe you didn't.
I think it would be very scary to be in a dust storm if you have never been in one and don't know what to do. An experience that I have had is one time after school was out there was a tornado warning and the sky was turning yellow and my sister and I were home alonethen my mom came home and we went into the basement. A little after we got intothe basement there was a loud pounding and the rain was hitting hard on the side of the house and then it was over and we went upstairs to see what happened and it only turnedd out to be a hail storm.
I think it would be scary and exciting to be in a dust storm. How did Ramona get sick from the dust storm?
On the last day of school last year when we had that really big storm, there was a tornado coming toward us, but it turned out that people just overeacted and it was really just a funnel cloud. Perfect ending to the school year.
I think it would be scary, frightening, and (in a way)
exciting all at the same time.
Once, when I was camping with my Grandma, sister, and two cousins on Lake Petenwell, there was the biggest storm you could imagine.
Trees were falling down, the camper was moving, and a lot of our stuff blew away. It was the biggest storm I was ever in.
It was exciting and frightening at the same time.
Yeah it probably would be scary to be in that dust storm. It would be very scary because you wouldn't know how long it would last.
It would be frightening to be a rain storm like that because it would be loud, you would stay in side and do nothin, and you would be very very scared
I think it would be very scary in a dust storm,beacause you wouldn't know when it would end,and you couldn't breathe.
one time we were on the beach and the sand was blowing everywere and we couldn't see which is the same as Esperanza's situation.
If I were in a dust storm, I would probably start screaming and I would feel lost because I wouldn't be able to see.
In Sun Prairie there was a tornado warning and we had to go down to the basement for 3-4 hours. People were standing outside watching it come. It was pretty close to us. It was about a mile away or less... different...
@ mcs I am really afraid of tornadoes,I wouldn't last at all,I would probaly freak out and try to run away.
That would be really scary! Especially on Lake Peteenwell if you're not familiar with the area.
Ramona inhaled to much of the dust and it covered her lungs. Leading to her current state of sickness.
I think it would be a little scary to be in Esperanza's place during the dust storm. She didn't know where to go, what to do,and couldn't see where she was. But once she found shelter, and she startd to worry about her mom, working in the fields.
The day we had that very big storm, I was at my Aunts house for her birhtday, before the storm hit she dropped me of at my house , and my moms car was sitting in the garage but she wasn't there. When the storm came to town I was home alone the whole time and there were funnel clouds circling above my house so I went downstairs where it was safe and it began to hail outside.I was very scared that a tornado would come over my house and kill me. The whole time I was worried about where my mom was.
@ rmm,
Your'e right it would be very scary to be in a dust storm. You couldn't breathe and you wouldn't know when it would end.
If I were you on a beach like you were with sand blowing everywhere, I would be freaking out, hoping I wouldn't die.
Have you ever been in a storm on Lake Peetenwell? They can get pretty ugly!! :)
I think it would be scary to be in a dust strom,not knowing whats around you and you can't breathe.
One time we were at the beach,and a big gust of wind came,and sand was blowing everywhere and we couldn't see.
@ mcs.. I hate tornadoes they creep me out,I wouldn't last I would try to run away,and I would probaly be screaming.
Was it hard to breathe when you were on the beach? That must of been hard not being able to see. What did you do? Did stay on the beach or did you try to find shelter?
amt, It would be pretty scary to be in that storm and trees were falling down.
Iwould probably choke on the sand and I most likely wouldn't last long if I were in Esperanza's place.
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