By the end of chapter 32 Crispin make a big decision. Crispin believes he has already asked God for so much and received so much from God in return that he needs to make this decision on his own. He puts his cross away and decides that he will put put his trust in Bear. Do you think this is a wise choice? What makes it wise? What makes it unwise? Discuss Crispin's decision.
photo from flickr by freebird4
I think that it was partly a wise choice. Well Crispin did need Bear’s trust in order to stay away from Aycliffe, so that is why it was a wise choice. But then again it was an unwise choice because you always need God’s help.
I think it was wise because I think Bear will protect Crispin from whoever is going to try to harm him if Crispin listens to Bear. I think it was unwise because I think that you should be able to show your faith and not be able to hide it. You ALWAYS need God with you.
I think that he should trust God because good things might happen, but I also think should kind of not because he thought God was punishing him and I think he is kind of right.
What do you think?
I think he made the right choice because you can't rely on God for everything because you need to be able to make your own dicision, but it's good to pray to God often.
I think it was somewhat of a wise choice because Bear is taking care of him...but it was also a bad choice because you should always trust God. But also Crispin dosen't know Bear that much.
I think it was wise to put his trust in bear because I think bear is being loyal to Crispin. I don't think Crispin should have to put his cross away because that is what he beleives in and it was a gift from his mother who died.
I think that Crispin is making the right choices, but I think he made a risky move by going out into Great Wexly by himself, because he almost got killed by John Aycliffe and his men.
I think that Crispin made a wise choce, because Bear gave Crispin the choice to come with him or go on by himself. I think that if Bear is willing to let him go then he must be a good man.
I think bear is wrong because God is the creater of every thing and he helps every one every day.
I think you are wrong in saying that you can not rely on god for every thing.
I disagree again...to rely on God for everything would mean that you would simply let him lead your life. For example if you depended on God for everything instead of studying you would just pray to God to get a good grade. Also say you need to get a job. When they interviwd you, you would just stand there not knowing what to say because you relied on God for something that needs to be done by you.
I think Crispin made a good choice, because when you get older you have to make choices that will take you down good paths or maybe a bad path. It is unwise because I think that Bear mite be a bad guy thats working for John Accliffe,but for the most part I think he's good.
@jtk...Are you trying to say that God helps those who help themselves?
I agree with youbecause I think Bear will protect him but I think that he needs his cross so then he will have a symbol of God with him at all times.
I think it was a pretty wise choice because I think Bear will protect him but he should keep the cross as a symbol of God.
I agree with you about thinking that Bear will protect him because I think they've kind of become friends! But he can still pray to God without the cross of lead you don't NEED a symbol of God.
I think that it is a wise decision because when Crispin puts his cross away all of your faith is in your heart. The cross is just a symbol of God.
I agree with you on the part with Bear and how he could be bad or good. How do you know that Crispin can trust Bear? You never know Bear may turn against Crispin.
I partly think this is a wise decision, because Bear has protected him from harm.
@jtk... I think your right about saying that you rely on God for everything.
I think you are rong but you are also right. But you always ask god for help (This is how you are rong). but you should not rely on God for every thing(this is how you are correct).
I agree with you. I dont think you should rely on God for everything. Like you said. You cant rely on him when you have a test soming up.You're going to have to study. It probaly wont happen if you dont study. Though you do need God with you in a lot of situations.
@ Jtk, I think you are right about saying that Crispin made the right desicion but I disagree about what you said that it is bad to pray to God. I think you should pray to God every day because it is almost like a habbit that you have to set a time and day that you are going to pray to God every day and or night,but I still htink you are right about Crispin making the right choice and did not pray to God to help him make the right choice.
I think Crispin did needed Bear's trust, because i think he would not do good by his self and I think God is usually right about your decisions.
I think Bear will protect Crispin and that Crispin will keep his Cross of Lead because thats his only thing left from his mother.
I htink he has made a pretty good decision because Bear has protected him so far but he still has to keep praying to God for help!
I think that Crispen should not have run away from te tavern, he should have stayed there where he was safe and he had food to eat.
I think it's scary that Bear got taken away, and that the one-eyed man worked for John Aycliff and John Aycliff works for Lady Furnival.
I think that Crispin should of killed John Aycliff when he had the chance ,because then John might pretend to say those things and not realy mean it. then he could of gained power of the kingdom ,and he wouldn't a Wolfs Head any more.
I think that it was a wise decision because Bear is a very big fela and can take care of him self.But you always need God.
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