Leigh Botts, the main character in the story Dear Mr. Henshaw, uses a diary to write about things that happen to him. Beverly Cleary used this writing style as a way of letting the reader get acquainted with Leigh.
Take a few moments and write about an experience you have had. Be sure to tell about the beginning, middle, and ending events in your post. Post your experience by this Thursday the 17th.
My experience was I went to the humane society and walked four dogs. First I walked a dog named Buddy, he was a big ball of energy. Next I walked a pug mix named Buster, he was fun. Third I walked a mutt named Dooby, he was cute and funny. Fourth I walked Sassy, she was like Buddy. It was a fun day.
In softball we were at Superior for state we had to play Wausau we lost the first game and won the second game. We are off to regionals in Portage, Indiana! It took us 5 hours to drive to Indiana our first game was against Western Kentucky. I played pitcher and third base. Unforunately we lost. Our next game was against Mount Washington. This was a close game and lost in the last inning. I played the same positions. It was worth the trip.
My experience was last weekend my little sister received first communion. First I listened to the first reading,the response,and second reading. Then I listened to the gospel and then to father's sermon. Next was the conseration Then my sister recived first communion. After curch my family and I had a party at my cousin's house. It was a very happy day!
@ hks, What was the pug mixed with?
@ hks, What kind of dog was Sassy?
On the night of confinces I was doing childcare with Hannah and at first we started with about 10 kids and then they all made a mess and while me and Hannah were cleaning up the kids wacthed T.V. and then two kids went home then we got we got two more kids and then we all played duck-duck goose and then I found some trading cards and I gave them out as prizes for the kids who were being good, then we all but two kids got picked up and 15 minutes later they got picked up and for maybe for the last 45 minutes me and Hannah just hung out and whatched TV.
crw said...
My experience happened while my family was building a shed in our back yard.I was playing with a friend in our back yard. We were running and playing tag. I tried to dive under some lumber but I didn't get my head down in time. I cut my head open and it started to bleed. I went to the emergencey room where they stitched me up.
My experience was making marshmallows on a grill. First I decided what marshmallow to use. Then I put it on a knife. It took longer then roasting one over a fire,but they tasted just as good!
Onec I was at school and it was the first recess. And I went drown the slide. Well it was wet! So I was wet alot. I had to change my paints. I was geting mad. I had to go all over the place. To get some paints. None of them fet me. So I wore my gym paints. I was really embarrassed. And the worse part was I missed most of class time.
@ksk Was watching kids fun?
I was playing tag andI went up to the slide. When I was at the top I slipped and I hit my back right on the edge of the slide. So I had to go home.
crw says...
arj@ WHAT slide did you go down on that got your pants wet?
In my experience I was going to a gymnastics competion. I was excited and thought I was going to do very well. When I started warming up, I was pretty nervous. I didn't feel as confident as I did before. When it came to my turn to compete, I was scared and didn't know how I was going to do. While I was competing, I knew I wasn't doing well. Finally, my routine was over. When my score came up, I knew it was the worst I had ever done. The day didn't turn out how I thought it would.
Where did you roast the marshmallows, and were there other people with you?
My experience was when my brother and I were walking along deer trails with my dad. Each of us found our own deer trail to follow and we started looking for shed deer horns. On my trail I didn't find any deer horns or rubs on the trees. All of us met up by a pond. I threw a tennis ball in the water for my dogs Aspen and Teddy so they would swim. Then the tennis ball got stuck on a patch of ice. Teddy swam in and tried to fetch the ball but the ice prevented him from reaching it. We broke some of the ice with rocks and a big stick. Eventually we got the ice close enough with the stick and knocked the tennis ball off. Teddy was then able to fetch the floating ball from the pond.
In August 2007 I went to Nationals with my friends Jaimie and Taylor. That year nationals was in Colorado. There I went to the Royal Gorge, The Olympic Training Center, the World Arena, and White Water rafting. In Nationals I took 1st, 2nd, and 2nd. I had a great time in Colorado and this year I made Nationals again.
my experience was when I played the wii with my brother in the morning and he kept beating me for some reason. Then in the afternoon we got a couple of or family members to start playing the wii luckly I beat everyone in the wii. So bragged about it at night like my brother did and it annoned him.
@jah did your sister get presents for her first communion.
My experience was going to Nashville
Tennessee! We went for my aunts wedding. We took a plane to get down
there.We had the wedding rehearsal on Friday. Then on Saturday we had the wedding. My cousins and I got to
read the responsorial psalms. We went to the reception and ate, danced, and had a lot of fun! The next day we flew back home. My family had a great time!
When I was eleven years old, I went to a Brewer's game against the Cincinnati Reds in Milwaukee. My Dad, his friend, and I were sitting behind homeplate. Brewer player Prince Fielder hit a foul ball and I caught it!!! Then Fielder's next hit was a homerun and the Brewer mascot slid down the slide. This game was my fourth time at a Brewer's game and it was awesome!!
One day I was playing outside with my sister and hamster. All of a sudden my hamster started to run away and my sister ran after him. While she was running after him she accidentally stepped on him. I told my mom, he wasn't moving. When my mom came out I was crying and he was dead. It was a really terrible day.
gkm, I like your idea of roasting marshomellow's on the grill.
hks, what kind of dog was buddy?
mch, where was the competion?
@mch I roasted them at your house!And I was with you and our neighbors.
@gkm, Yes it was a lot of fun it was just like babysitting.
What position do you play?
What kind of trading cards were they?
I went to the airport with my dad. We were going to go flying. The plane didn't work. My dad and I worked on it. Finaly we got it to work. When we were up in the air my dad let me fly.
@ jtv, Did they win?
@KSK, Sassy was a lab mix.
jaa, I play third and pitcher.
@ jtv,
Did you get Prince Fielder to sign it?
@ mab,
were you bored on the five hour long
@jaa, I don't know what kind they were. Ask Hannah she might know.
@jtf was flying the plane fun?
@jgs,what game was it?
I traveled to Siesta Key Florida for spring break. While on the
beach I found some brittle star fish. They washed up on shore following a storm the week before. I brought them home and display them in sand from the beach
they were found on.
Once when I was five years old we took a trip to Disney World in Florida. This was my first trip there and I couldn't believe how big and wonderful everything was. We spent four days going from one thing to the next. I had a an autograph book for character signatures and it was so fun to meet each one, Pluto was my favorite. I have great memories.
I remember when I went to my cousin's first communion. We did almost the same thing except we went to Bull's Eye country club.
@jtf...no they lost.
I was camping and my cousin Maddy and my friend Jessica were pushing me and I was the last one to go on the hammock and they pushed to high and the wire burned up and I fell to the ground and got the wind nocked out of me.
What team were you on? That must have been a long drive to Kentucky!
@crw To anwser your question I went drowm the small slide.
@JTF it was Mario vs sonic the olimpic games the one you played.
@ mab,
What was the score for the games?
who won that game? When I went to a Brewer game the Brewers won.
@smp, No I was not bored for the five hours. I actually rode up with some of my teammates and watched some movies.
@mhh where was the deer trail and pond?
crw says...
@rap how long did your back hurt?
@gkm,yes, it was a lot of fun.
@ clp did you have fun at Bulls Eye country club.
@rpa was that at shcool.
aa@apm yes
@jtf Was it fun flying? What kind of plan was it.
He was a lab.
I was at my state competition in LaCrosse.
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