In the selection "A Kind of Grace," we read about how Jackie Joyner-Kersee worked as a young child to make her dreams come true. As a child she was sometimes discouraged, but continued to work to improve her skills.
Think about people who you admire. Select one of these people who has worked hard to realize a dream. Then tell us about that individual and what makes you admire them.
I admire Mia Hamm. She is a famous soccer player in the Women’s National Soccer League. The reason I chose Mia Hamm is because I love playing soccer and my dream is to play in the Women’s National Soccer League.
HAMM, MIAPosition: Forward Height: 5-5 (1.65 m) Weight: 125 (57 kg) Born: March 17, 1972, in Selma, Alabama Hometown: Chapel Hill, North Carolina College: University of North Carolina.
I admire my sister Heather, because she helps me with every thing and she know how to fixs it. She is also in college going for graphic design and has inspired me in art.She has helped me go for my dream.
I admire my mom because she is very smart in the subject Math.
My mom is working on her masters right now. She goes to school over the summer. She also is a teacher at Mid-State Technical College.
I also admire my mom because she is very good at helping people with things they need help with like a math problem, a basketball problem, and homework problems.
The person I admire most is Reggie White.
Why because he was a Packer player, and because he was a very spiritual man.
He didn’t do drugs and he would try to lead other players on the right path of life. One of the reasons I chose him was because was a minister, and I really admire him for all the
good things he did.
My idol is Leonardo da Vinci; he was an inventor, painter, sculptor, engineer, scientist, mathematician, architect, musician, and writer. He was born in Florence, Italy on April 15, 1452. He is the person that painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He always had a goal. One of those goals was to make a giant horse for Ludovico, the duke of Milan. Seventy tons of bronze was put aside for the casting. Finally in 1492 the horse was finished but, was then used for target practice after invaders destroyed the city. He was amazed with flying and would buy birds and then let them go just to watch them fly. From 1513 to 1516 he spent his time in the Belvedere. He died in France on May 2, 1519. I admire Leonardo because he followed his dreams and strived to achieve them.
I admire one my Hawaiian second cousin Palani Apukehau. Because had a dream to be able to play hockey since he was a little boy and these past 12-15 years he has actually played hockey. Now for the past 3 years he has wanted to play professional soccer and next year he is going to go to college to be a professional Soccer player.
He is the nicest person that he could ever be. He cares about what happens to me. He is really funny. He never say something bad a bought me behind my back. I can trust him. He includes me in every thing that he thinks I want to go to. He has been there for my whole life. He acts like he is one of my brothers. He is one of my best friends.
I admire Dane Cook. A famous comedian/actor. I admire him because he is really funny.
Dane Cook:Vicious Circle was the first thing I ever saw with him in it. His Comedy Central Presents is also funny. I chose him cause I think about being a comedian.
I admire Bret Favre. He is a famous football player in National Football League. I selected Bret because of his accomplishments and strength to succeed in football and his life. Bret also enjoys hunting and golf like me.
I admire Josh Lyons, a very famous horse trainer. His dad, John Lyons, "America's Most Trusted Horseman", has helped Josh over the years to become what his father is.
Even though he was born with natural talent he still has had to work very hard to get where he is now, traveling throughout the U.S. providing one-on-one instruction and conducting clinics. He is always a popular guest at the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison, WI.
That is one of my favorite horse fairs because he is there every year. Josh is a very good teacher and knows a lot about horses!
I think Ricky Carmichael is one of the most admirable person in my life , because he is a great dirtbike racer and a good example for children who like to ride and watch him race. He got to where he is now because he worked hard and practiced more than any of the other racers. Dirtbiking is one of my favorite sports that I am actually good at. So I practice when I can , and someday I want to be as great as Ricky Carmichael. (RC)
I admire Candace Parker, a basketball player. She plays basketball for Pat Summit in Tennessee. She is one of the best players {in my opinion} in their league.
The reason I admire Candace Parker is because even if she’s hurt she plays through it. Like when she separated her shoulder twice and she still played the next game. Also, she is very strong and she never gives up. If you ask me, if people set their minds to it they can pursue any goal they have.
I admire Michael Redd of the Milwaukee Bucks. He is their shooting guard. He went to college at Ohio State and when he came into the NBA it took him 2-3 years just to get on the floor.
He practiced hard every day and in practice because he wanted to be the best. Michael Redd is left handed and I am too. I like the Milwaukee Bucks and Michael Redd is one of my favorite players and I want to play in the NBA one day and I know that the only way to get there is with hard work and dedication.
I admire my Grandparents. She raised my mom and her 5 sisters and brother and they were able to go to Catholic school all 12 years. This was a big sacrifice for my grandparents to make, because my Grandpa worked in a tire factory and sometimes he was even out of work. They always made sure my mom and her sisters and brother were able to go to Catholic school and have whatever they needed.
I admire Krista Boutos because I play first base when I play softball. I always keep track of their games, so i can watch her play. I turn on the T.V. on early, so I can watch the team take practiceand stretch. She does some very different warm upsbefore a game. One game I tried them and they do work. She always ready and thinking if I get the ball what will I do with it next. Once they interviewed her at the end of the game. She had some good tips for a first baseman. One day I would like to be just like her. I I would like to play on the USA Team someday.
I admire Cristiano Ronaldo. He is in the English Premier League for soccer. He plays soccer for Manchester United. I play soccer just like him. I chose him because he is a very good dribbler and has accomplished a lot in his career.
I admire my Grandpa because he always sets a good example, he always gets the job done, and he lets me use all of his tools to make what ever I want.
My Grandpa loves to work with wood so he’s always in his workshop so he makes a lot of Christmas decorations for his front yard. His goal/dream was to fill the whole yard up with decorations for people to come and see, so year after year he made a new decoration by hand. As the years went by, he has now made enough decorations to fill his whole yard. He has walkways, an angel section, the Santa section, and so many more.
I also admire my Grandpa because he always encourages me to do my best and to never give up.
I admire David Beckham because he is a very good soccer player.
He came from England and was born there too.
He played for the soccer team Real Madrid in Spain.
The U.S.A paid him 250,000,000 dollars for 5 years to play for the team L.A Galaxy.
And he also made a shot from half field and it went in because the goalie was out to far.
I admire him because he is very good at soccer and tries his best.
I admire my dad because he helps me with stuff and helps me make good choices.
I admire my brother Luke, because he worked hard to become a rocket scientist. He worked hard through college and he worked hard to save money to move to Alabama to work.
He went through a lot of hard times like when a dog came to him and left him there dying and when he held me when I had my accident.
I admire one of my older brothers Chris. He is 16 years old, 17 on April 25, and can drive. And I actually trust him when he drives. He helps me with my homework when I don’t get it. He helps me with a lot of other things too. He plays soccer and has been playing it since he was 10 or 11 years old. Sometimes I will play soccer with him and he will tech me some things. Sometimes he jokes around about me so I just joke about him back. We play a lot of games and video games together. He is really nice and he cares about what happens to me. He is very funny and includes me in random things or he’ll let me shoot his paint ball gun or stuff like that. He even lets me into his room! I mean, how many brother’s let you into their room and let you sit on their bed?! He’s been there for me my entire life. He’s is one of the best brother’s ever.
I admire my mother, who worked hard to train for a bike trip. She knew she wanted to go on this bike trip, but she didn’t have time to train for it. Then, one of her friends suggested that they go on this trip. She trained by herself or with her friends.
I admire my mother because she worked hard to accomplish something she thought she could never do. This teaches me to work hard to get what I want and not to let anyone tell me that I can’t do it.
I admire my brother Jake. His goal in life was to help poor people around the world and so far he has achieved it. He has been working in the Peace Corps for 2 years. He still is down in Honduras but he is coming to America in late June. He is going to attend UCLA for his master’s degree in Urban Planning.
I want to be like him in some ways. I want to travel to the poorer countries and help them too. Not exactly for a lifetime though because I admire and want to be like my other older brothers.
I admire my friend, Traci. I admire her because she taught me how to make bracelets that people think are really complicated, but it really isn’t. Well at least until you get the hang of it! Traci also inspired me to learn how to play the guitar. Her father makes hand made guitars. So for Christmas she gave her one. The pic shield was the same color as the pic. Isn’t that cool! She is really nice and loves to do art. One time in college she had to make a picture using one of those old fashioned pens. She said that you did about to lines and you would have to dip it back into the ink. Traci said it took her FOREVER! I can't wait to see her again. Traci has a job so I don't get to see her as often as I used to when she was my neighbor/in highschool.
I admire Ron Dayne, he was one of the greatest running backs for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was a great person to be around and he never gave up. I just hope that one day I would be in the same spot he was.
I admire Michelle Kwan because she has won Olympic medals. In 2002 she won an Olympic bronze medal bronze and 1998 she won an Olympic silver medal. She is a five-time World champion (1996, 1998, 2000-2001, 2003); She also tied with Dick Button and Carol Heiss for most worlds by an American. She is also a nine-time champion at the U.S. Nationals. She has rightfully earned nine World Championship medals including five gold, three silver, and one bronze the most ever earned by an American figure skater. She has received 42 perfect 6.0 marks in her Major competitions the most of any singles skater. Seven-time Skate America champion (1995-1997, 1999, 2000-2002) she was voted Sportswoman of the Year and voted Sportswoman of the Month 13 times. In 2006 she qualified for the Olympic team but had to drop out because of an ingury, which shows that she knows when enough is enough. Like Michelle Kwan I have goals to and I plan to achieve them just like her, and this is why I admire her.
The person I admire most is my mother because she is smart kind, loving, and caring. She is a great mother and is hard working she works hard at home and at work. She is a nurse at Riverview hospital and I think she does a great job. I want to be a nurse too. So someday I am going to be just like her.
I also admire my sister Tabitha because she is kind knows how to help people with things is good with working with kids and I like working with kids too, she got her college degree in human recourses.
I admire my gymnastics coach Roseann, because she taught me how to do gymnastics from level 1 to level 6 and she helped me to make it to state every year and even though she conditioned me relly hard I still like her and her Daughters. I admire Roseann because she made My dream dream come true, my drean was to be a gymnast.
I admire Kimmie Meissner because she works hard as a figure skater on the US team. She fits in her training and also goes to college. I spend a lot of time on my skating and I think it’s hard but I can’t even imagine how hard she has to work.
I admire Rosa Parks for her civil rights action. Rosa Parks refused to give up a seat reserved for white people. To me she is one of the most important people that helped change America the fair way that it should be. But that’s not the only reason why I admire her. I admire her for her bravery. Now take a moment to think about this. It is 1955 and you are a black person, you think everything is unfair, and whites have more freedom than you do. Would you risk your lives to refuse to give up your seat for a white person to sit in while you have to sit in worn out seats? I bet none of you would risk your lives for something that was unfair. But Rosa Parks and many other blacks knew it was unfair for whites to have more rights. For her action she was arrested but she didn’t mind because she knew she did the right thing. She didn’t just stand up for her race she also inspired Martin Luther King Jr. write “I Have a Dream”. That one speech and Rosa Park’s action helped change our country to the fair and equal way that it should be, and always will be.
I admire Michael Jordan because he is my favorite basketball player and I hope to be like him one day he has won 6 basketball championships I wish I could do that one day.
I admire Steve Yzerman. He is a famous hockey player. The reason I chose him is because he was a very good hockey player, and because I like hockey and my dream is to play in the National Hockey League(NHL).
I admire my older sister Brittany her dream is to take over my dads business. And I wanted to take over my dads business.
I admire my sister, Kristen, because when she sets her mind on a goal she very easily, or not so easily achieves her goal.
One specific goal of hers is that she wants to graduate, and in December she will graduate and get her diploma.
I am so proud of my sister! :)
@gjl,I think it is awsome that you admire Brett Favre but what more is there to him like what else has he done for the state of Wisconsin. I know that he has played for the Packers, broken Dan Marinos record, and all time touchdown record but what has he done for the state
@ jtk....I never knew that you admired Leonardo da Vinci. Do like inventing, painting, sculptoring, engineering,being a scientist, mathematician, architect, musician, and being a writer. I never knew you liked that much things. Do you like flying. What made you pick him?
@ ozg I like how you admire your coach. you have to be your coaches best student. I admire my coach for cross country but not as much as my brother.
I never knew that you liked Leanardo da Vinci. I think that is pretty cool. In a way do you want to be like him?
@Kpr...Of what you said I would like being an architect. I chose him because it amazed me at how far ahead of his time he was. He didn't let other peoples' opinions stop him from following his dream. What made you chose Christiano Ronaldo. What do you admire about him. If you asked him for advice what do you think he'd say?
@ trv, I would think it would be hard to admire just one person in your family. That must be hard to be a rocket scientist with all that college to do at homework and studying. I didn’t know that a dog bit him and just left him dying there, that must of hurt him a-lot. Does Luke have a big scare or a little scare?
@ ozg
i htink that you can acheive anything you are a very good gymnast and you will go on to big competions and get a high score or a medal or trophey.
@bak... I think it's cool that you admire Michael Jordan. He was one of the greatest players in NBA history. I just wondering, why do you admire him?
@htn.....That's interesting that you choose Heather. She is very creative and very nice. You two look so much a like. I hope she has a good time being a CA next year at UWSP! I Wonder what she is going to do for a jod when she is out of UWSP
@ kpr, I never knew that you admired Cristisno Ronaldo, he must be a famous soccer player from what you said. You know I watch a litte soccer myself what teams do you like, and also why did you pick him my guess is that you picked him because you like soccer.
@bpdg, Brett Favre started "The Brett Favre Fourward Foundation" to provide aid for disadvantaged and disabled children in Wisconsin and Mississippi. Did Reggie White play for another pro team before playing for the Packers?
I admire Steve Yzerman. He was a famous hockey player in the National Hockey League (NHL), but he retired last year. I chose him because my dream is to become a pro hockey player in the NHL.
@htn I think its really cool that you admire a non famous person. I can see why you admire her.
@aje... How many races has Ricky Carmichael won? What are some of the things he has done to inspire children? He sounds like a very nice person.
That is a great thing that you want to be like your sister and that that you want to do something in art. Keep going for that dream!
@hnw I think that it is a great thing that your mom got to go to a catholic school and your grandparents worked for that. I think having your grandparents close to you is a good thing because if you needed someone, you would have them to talk to. Could you imagine not having grandparents at all? I tell you I couldn’t.
@ kpr....
I would have to agree with you,Cristiano Ronaldo is a very talented soccer player. And I to would like to be like him.
I have seen him play he is a very good dribbler I agree with you on that for sure.
I never knew you admired Rosa Parks. But after reading you comment, I thought she was pretty cool too.
@ amt
My grandpa always likes to encourage me. He also sets a good example and gets the job done too. Our Grandpa's are really alike.
@ s.r.z. I think it is cool that you admire your mom for the things she does for you and your family. It's good that you think your mom does a good job at what she does. It's also cool that you also admire your sister and that the people you admire arent famous. Mine isnt famous either but it isnt my mom or sister. COOL!
@ ajo I know your sister and I agree with you. I'm glad your sister is going to get her daploma and i think you should be really proud.
@htn your sister is really is a good person to admire. I think she is a great roll modle for you and you are like her in many ways. I hope you follow your dream.
@ecv, that’s really cool that you admire your brother, that’s also really cool that your brother Jake helps people like that. I would miss my sibling if they were gone for that long.
@ ozg I think you make a really good gymnast and you make your coach proud. I think that's really great that you made it to state. I'm so glad you've achieved your goal of being a gymnast. Keep up the good work.
Ajo,that is so cool that you chose your sister. I think that its good that she sets her mind to a goal and finishes it! That is a good person to admier!!
@ a*m*t
Your grandpa sounds a lot like mine. He built a fountain in his back yard. He is planning making another one so he cleared his whole back yard accept the other fountain. In his future he is planning on making at least 2 more fountains. He is always working on a new project for decoration. Is that like your grandpa?
@ bak
I think Michael Jordan is great person to admire because he is one of the greatest basketball players of all time. I did not know he won six basketball championships, but I knew he won a lot of them.
It must take a while to get to your masters degree.You be very smart to get your masters degree, just like your mom. How long has it taken her to get to her masters degree? What does it mean to have a masters degree?
I think it's cool that you admire Rosa Parks. You are right she is very important in our lives. If it weren't for black people in our history they wouldn’t have their rights today.
@ajo... I think it is really cool that you admire your sister most of the time I admire mine too! What are some other goals that she has achieved?
I admire my brother because Mike and I have a lot in common, we both like cows, we both hate school, and we like to have fun! Mike is like my best friend, we talk about everything! Also, on the weekends when he's home from college we do a lot of things. But my two favorite things about him are: he's always there for me and, best of all, he saved my life.
@etp I think that it is awsome that you admire your old neighbor and those bracelets are very hard to make. You are good very at the guitar and I never knew thatTraci enspired you to play.
@ JTK......I chose him because i have been watching him play soccer for years. He is amazing at dribbling and shooting. Look him up on the internet, and you will see what I mean. If I asked him for advice he would probaly say, believe in your dreams!
@EKJ I think its cool that your om helps you with ath my dad has to help me because my mom isn't very good at math.
I also admire Bret Favre just like gjl. I also enjoy hunting and golfing.
Michael Jordan is awsome. He made the best dunk I've ever seen,ever.
I think it is cool that you and your brother have alot in common. Considering the age difference between you and Mike. I also think it is outragously brave that he saved your life.
I thought I told you about what happened to my brother Luke. He has a medium size scar, but the dog went in deep and I won't give you any more details.
@ emg...
I think you can play in the Women's National Soccer League, because when I see you play soccer I can just see you on a team in that league. What team would you like to be on.
@ trv
i would like to be on the usa national womens soccer league.
I think it is really cool you admire your sister.my sister is a lot like yours because she is also attending college and my sister also inspires me!
One other goal is wanted to play softball and she didn't like. She was so angry she was thinking about quitting , but she didn't! She got through the season with a few cuts and bruises, but that didn't stop her!
@htn I think its cool that your sister helps you. My sister never helps me. YOU ARE SO LUCKY!
I never knew your grandparents raised seven children and they all got their Catholic education for all of the 12 years they were in school. That's pretty impressive! Especially when your Grandpa worked at a tire factory. If he didn't have a job that would have been really hard.
That is great that you admire your Grandparents.
Do you want to be like just like Cristiano Ronaldo when you grow up?
What do you admire most about him?
I also admire my cousin Jessie. She is a lot of fun she helps me with my homework, she tried to teach me how to dance it was rely funny, and she wants to be a English teacher and she is in collage for it right now.
I admire another one of my cousins named Chelsea she is my anther funny cousin that is 23 years old. She also tried to teach me how to dance but I think she was just swaying back and forth. She tells me funny stories. She helps with a lot of things too.
I also admire Schim Schimmel. He is an artist and a children book writer. His goal is to try to teach people that earth is also the animal's earth.
I admire because I want to help animals and paint like he does.
I also admire Schim Schimmel. He is an artist and a children book writer. His goal is to teach people this earth is also the animals.
I admire him because I want to be an artist and I want to help animals.
I admire Jake also, but I admire Luke more on what he did and who he is. Jakes cool too by helping the poor and a cool brother.
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